Some simple steps to cleaner hands

Some simple steps to cleaner hands

Breathe deeply

Live in the present

Live in the present

Use plain old soap and water to prevent infection

Use plain old soap and water to prevent infection

Have a rainy-day plan

Track your progress

Track your progress. A growing body of evidence suggests that having a record of your exercise may motivate you to keep it up and even increase it. A wide array of pedometers, wristband trackers, and smart watches are available to help you. The devices are less cumbersome and less expensive than they were originally, and they have more features. You can find them at most electronics and sporting-goods stores.

To start walking for exercise

Just take a walk

Just take a walk

Reduce red meat

Shun flavored sodas

Avoid the center grocery aisles

Make simple shifts toward a healthier diet

Health advice for 2017: Simplify, simplify

You may be able to save time and money—and spare yourself frustration—by adopting a more minimal approach to preventing disease.

Doctor–patient relationship

Medical advice is given in the context of a doctor–patient relationship. A licensed health care professional can be held legally liable for the advice he or she gives to a patient. Giving bad advice may be considered medical malpractice under specified circumstances.
The doctor–patient relationship is one factor in determining the patient's compliance with medical advice.[3] Patients adhere more closely to medical advice when the healthcare provider is friendly, doesn't interrupt the patient, or has good verbal communication skills.[4] Patients are less likely to comply with medical advice if the advice is not what the patients expected, if the patients do not agree with the proposed treatment, if the patient is not confident in the provider's competence, or if the patient cannot understand what the provider says due to language barriers or overuse of medical jargon.


Medical advice

Medical advice is the provision of a formal professional opinion regarding what a specific individual should or should not do to restore or preserve health.[1] Typically, medical advice involves giving a diagnosis and/or prescribing a treatment for medical condition.[2]
Medical advice can be distinguished from medical information, which is the relation of facts. Discussing facts and information is considered a fundamental free speech right and is not considered medical advice. Medical advice can also be distinguished from personal advice, even if the advice concerns medical care.
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